Your go-to hub for detailed documentation on all COBRA products. From basic setup to advanced features, these guides provide step-by-step instructions to help you make the most of your equipment.
18M User GuidesThe 18M is a firing module that supports 18 cues. The 18M boasts a highly modular design and supports on-board cues, quickplugs and slats.
36M & 72M User GuidesThe 36M & 72M are firing modules that support higher cue counts (36 and 72 cues). These modules boast a highly modular design and support onboard cues, quickplugs, and slats.
Command Center User GuidesThe Command Center is an all-in-one system for operating your 18R2, booster, deadman, Control Panel, and SMPTE time code input with over 60 hours of battery life.
SMPTE User GuidesSMPTE (pronounced "simpty") is a way to synchronize your 18R2 to firing modules to play music in perfect sync. SMPTE is a lower-priced alternative to the COBRA Audio Box.