User Guides

Your go-to hub for detailed documentation on all COBRA products. From basic setup to advanced features, these guides provide step-by-step instructions to help you make the most of your equipment.

6M User Guides The 6M is a compact, mountable and wearable mini-module designed for the SPFX industry.

18M User Guides The 18M is a firing module that supports 18 cues. The 18M boasts a highly modular design and supports on-board cues, quickplugs and slats.

36M & 72M User Guides The 36M & 72M are firing modules that support higher cue counts (36 and 72 cues). These modules boast a highly modular design and support onboard cues, quickplugs, and slats.

Audio Box User Guides The Audio Box is a stand-alone wireless audio output device for playing music in sync with the 18R2 Pro Remote.

Command Center User Guides The Command Center is an all-in-one system for operating your 18R2, booster, deadman, Control Panel, and SMPTE time code input with over 60 hours of battery life.

SMPTE User Guides SMPTE (pronounced "simpty") is a way to synchronize your 18R2 to firing modules to play music in perfect sync. SMPTE is a lower-priced alternative to the COBRA Audio Box.

DMX User Guides Integrating DMX into your show allows you to control SPFX equipment alongside your modules.

Control Panel User Guides The Control Panel is a downloadable Android app that provides a comprehensive, digital user interface to the 18R2.

COBRA Show Creator User Guides COBRA Show Creator is a web-based software program for designing both timed and step event shows with or without music.

Show Scripting User Guides Scripting is the process of creating script files used for firing semi and fully automated shows.

Firmware Upgrade User Guides COBRA offers the option to upgrade to new firmware versions that offer improved features and functionality.