6M Interface

A) Antenna Connector

Connect the 6M omnidirectional antenna, COBRA BoosterCOBRA DISH, or a combination of the three.
B) CH+, CH- Buttons

Press and release to increment (CH+) or decrement (CH-) the channel for the selected bank.
C) SYNC Button

Used to synchronize the module to your 18R2. Also used to place the module into Program Mode when performing firmware updates.
D) TEST Button

Used to test continuity locally on the module.
E) Main Display

Used to display the module's battery life, address, channel, and signal strength. See Power On & Startup Sequence.
F) Cue LEDs

Used to display the module's continuity.

The ARM, TEST, and SYNC LED indicators.
H) Charge Port

Only use a COBRA charger when charging a module. The charge LED indicator blinks when charging and is solid red when fully charged. Charge time is 6 hours from P0 to P9; do not use the module in a live show when the charger is plugged in.
I) DB9 Connection

The DB9 connection allows the 6M to accept a verity of COBRA cue strip accessories. The COBRA 6M has an optional QuickPlug terminal block, standard speaker wire terminal block, and a RJ45 DB9 connection.
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