Submit a request

Didn't find an answer to your question? Not to worry. Let us know how we can help. A support agent will follow up via email.

Select the category that best describes your issue or question, such as Product Technical Support, Order Inquiry, or Scripting Assistance. This helps us direct your request to the most appropriate support agent.

Let us know how urgent this is for you. Is it a quick question, slowing you down, or a bigger issue? Your input helps us prioritize.

Is this a hardware or software product?

Select the COBRA software product you need support for, such as Cobra Show Creator, Control Panel, or Reprogramming Software.

Which product(s) are you experiencing concerns with?

Your Order UPS/FedEx or USPS tracking number

Please enter the details of your request. A member of our support staff will respond as soon as possible.

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