Before you begin, we strongly suggest using a COBRA certified USB drive. This USB drive is fully functional with the COBRA 18R2 Controller and will successfully load your scripts every time.
If you are operating on firmware version 5.0.5 or lower, the script file must be named cobra.csv. If you are running firmware version 5.1 or higher, you can use any filename with no more than 42 characters including the .csv extension, firmware 6.0.x, and higher supports up to 32. Ensure to only have one .csv file on your USB drive if you don't, error code 1 will display on the 18R2 when trying to load the script.
Using COBRA Show Creator
If you are using COBRA Show Creator to save your script, click the Export button from the main left menu. Then, choose to export the file; the file should be saved in your Downloads directory. Go to this directory and copy the file to your USB drive. Do not save the file into any folder or directory on the USB drive. If the filename changed, for example, to cobra(1).csv or some other number such as cobra(2).csv, cobra(3).csv, etc... make sure you rename the file to cobra.csv if you are running firmware version 5.0.5 or lower. Firmware version 5.1.0 or greater will support any filename.
Using Excel
If you are using Excel, click File > Save As. Then, enter the filename and choose "CSV (Comma delimited) (*.csv)" as the file type. If you are running firmware 5.0.5 or lower, enter cobra as the filename. If you are running firmware version 5.1 or higher, you can enter any name for your filename.
Using Finale3D
If you are using Finale3D, click File > Export Firing System Script File(s) and follow the necessary steps. When prompted to save the file, if you are running firmware 5.0.5 or lower, enter cobra as the filename. If you are running firmware version 5.1 or higher, you can enter any name for your filename.
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