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Audio Box FAQ
I'm getting 'Filename mismatch' on my Audio Box
Why does My Audio Box seem slower than my Pyro?
Does the Audio Box Gen 2 require firmware 5.1.4 or higher?
What Types of Flash Drives Should I Use With the Audio Box?
My audio is jumping around or sounds distorted; why is this?
My audio plays when pressing the audio test button, but does not play when the 18R2 starts the script?
My Audio Box power LED is flashing, what does this mean?
My audio has stopped mid-show, why is this?
My Audio Box is showing a -0 or no signal, why?
My Audio Box is not reporting signal on the 18R2, why is this?
How do I create a script to use with the Audio Box?
Can other files be on the USB or will this cause issues during my show?
Can I use external power with the Audio Box?
Does my Audio Box require a specific firmware to use with the 18R2?
Can I operate the Audio Box without an antenna and will this damage the device?
When pausing and resuming the Audio Box, my audio seems delayed/out of sync, why is this?
If my audio is playing ahead or behind during the show, can I adjust this from the 18R2?
When I pause my show on the 18R2, will the Audio Box pause?
Will the Audio Box work with the 18R?
Can I put a booster or a DISH on my Audio Box?
What is the range of the Audio Box compared to modules?
Can I use an SD card with my Audio Box?
What audio output would you recommend using?
When using multiple scripts, can each script have its own unique MP3 file?
Do I need to format my audio MP3 file before placing on the USB?
Why doesn't the Audio Box support WAV, and how does an MP3 file compare in quality?
Can I use more than one Audio Box in a show?
Can I use the Audio Box to sync and control multiple firing systems together in the same show?
Can the Audio Box be Used to Send SMPTE or Other Time Code Formats to Other Firing Systems?
How do I test signal strength on my Audio Box?