My audio plays when pressing the audio test button, but does not play when the 18R2 starts the script?

There are a few reasons that the audio may not play when running your script.  Please review these tips and tricks as they should resolve the most common errors.

  1. Using COBRA firmware 5.1 and higher, the audio filename can include up to 45 characters including the .mp3 extension. If using firmware 6.0.X, the file name must be 31 characters or less, including the file extension ".mp3". If using firmware 5.0 or lower, the file name must be 12 characters or less, including the file extension: ".mp3".
  2. Ensure the Audio Box file name in the cobra.csv script matches the defined file name typically found in column E, row 1 or 2 of the file in your cobra.csv script file. 
  3. If you created your show in COBRA Show Creator, we recommend renaming your audio file on the USB drive and re-importing it into Show Creator. Once re-imported, export the script again to the USB drive and place it into your 18R2 to reload.  
  4. Your audio file is not formatted correctly using Audacity. For instructions on how to format your audio file, see the Audio Box User Guide
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