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Do Hardware A 18Ms support the G-Flame Adapter?
I'm pressing channel up, but the channel isn't changing
I want to upgrade my 18M to Quickplugs, what do I need?
How do I Replace Cue Strips on the 18M?
How can I fire multiple modules at the same time?
What is the voltage mode and how do I change it?
What is the battery life of the 18M?
My LiPo battery won't charge, why is this?
Can I upgrade my module to support the internal LiPo battery?
I am getting an error code when starting the 18M, how do I solve this?
How many e-match/MJG initiators/Talons/Clip-on Igniters can I fire in series or in parallel?
How many Talons/Clip-on Igniters can I fire on the 18M at the same time?
How many MJG / E Match igniters can I fire on the 18M at the same time?
If I am using MJG initiators, should I use e-match or Talon/Clip-on Igniter mode?
Can I fire e-match/MJG Initiators/Talons/Clip-on Igniters on the same module?
Can I use my 18M with the 36M and/or 72M?
How Much Current is Used to Test Continuity on the 18M?
My module displays P, what is this?
The SYNC LED is Blinking Irregularly on My 18M, What Does This Mean?
How do I unsync my 18M from my 18R2?
I am using TEST LEDs and in test mode, the test LEDs blink every few seconds, is this normal?
Do all modules use the same charger and charge port?
How much current/voltage is used when testing continuity on modules?
What type of charger does the 18M use and can I use my own charger?
My 18M charge LED won't stop blinking when charging, why is this?
Can I power the 18M using the charger?
Can I Use a Different Antenna Than the Standard Antenna Provided by COBRA for the 18M?
Can I put multiple modules on the same channel?
One of My Cue LEDs on the 18M is Not Displaying Correctly, Can This be fixed?
One of My 7-segment Displays is Not Displaying Correctly, Can This be Fixed?