COBRA Show Creator Version 1.4.0 Release Notes

COBRA Show Creator version 1.4.0 BETA release introduces a new report designer. This allows users to fully customize their reports including the definition of columns, grouping, sorting, combining, filtering, and more. You can also share reports via PDF or an interactive URL that allows end users to view and manipulate the report on their own. The new reporting feature works with both PYRO and DMX shows events.


Accessing the Report Designer


The Event Report, Module Report, and Product List are now consolidated into the new Report Designer button accessed from the left-side menu. Cue labels are separated from reporting into their own section.

My Standard Reports

COBRA Show Creator now offers the following three standard reports:

  • Product List - A list of all products in your show including quantity. This is helpful for picking items before your show.
  • Event Report - A list of all show events sorted chronologically by time. This is helpful for knowing what is firing in your show and when.
  • Module Report - A list of all modules including what fireworks are assigned to which cues. This is helpful in the field for knowing what fireworks to plug into what modules.

All standard reports are displayed in the beginning of the My Reports section and labeled as Standard.


Customizing and Saving New Reports

After selecting a standard report, you can perform modifications including sorting, grouping, combining, and filtering column data.


For each column, the sort, group, combine, and filter options are made available below. Click the icons to toggle the options. You can also refer to the help legend for more information on these options.


For more information on sorting, grouping, combining, and filtering features, the following legend is built directly into the reporting user interface.


Once done, you can click Save New Report to save your report modifications. At any time, you can re-name or create a new copy of the currently selected report. The user interface is simple and intuitive.



Report Look and Feel Options

We offer some options to improve the report's look and feel. This includes a personalized logo and the option to display the show date, estimated show duration, and comment events. To access these options, click the gear icon located in the upper-right corner of the report.


Sharing a PDF or Interactive Report URL

You have the option to share a link to download the report in PDF format. You can also choose an interactive link where those who receive the link can view the report, make customizations, and also print or export the report directly. Think of the interactive URL as full access to the report without the ability to save changes.


Print and Export

All standard and custom reports support printing and exporting to a CSV format. To print or export, click the Export button located in the upper-right corner of your report.


Other Changes

  • Revision history is now saved locally for each save with the ability to be uploaded to the cloud by a support agent.
  • Improved show's custom column editor in Show Settings, including adding the ability to rearrange the order of custom columns.
  • Added the ability to change sort direction and sort criteria in MyShows.
  • Improved importing of script .csv files by supporting "#@firmwareX.X.X" line.
  • Improved tutorial to include better workflow and all features
  • Included new event table empty state saying suggested by users.
  • Fixed an issue where events were displayed out of order in the SMPTE player events table.
  • Minor fix to allow more waveform event drawer bars to be displayed at a given event time.
  • Updated all help article links from the old help portal to the new COBRA support portal links.
  • Minor bug fixes


COBRA Show Creator Version 1.4.0 was released on August 18th, 2022 (2022-08-18)


Incremental Build Updates


Build 2022.9.20.1

  • Fixed issue with My Show's show date showing one day early in some time zones.
  • Minor wording change for offline login modal.


Build 2022.12.5.1

  • Fixed an issue importing a show with custom columns not removing new line characters until after the first save.
  • For non-audio shows, the waveform will no longer reload each time after adding a new event unless the calculated show length has increased.
  • Updated remaining help article links to new URLs.


Build 2023.4.13.1

  • Fixed an issue where not all custom fields of a firework will show in the Report Designer.
  • Implemented support for COBRA Portal subscriptions, making the primary activation method for COBRA Show Creator subscriptions, resulting in license keys becoming a legacy activation method. All previously purchased license keys will still continue to work and can be used to activate accounts.


Build 2023.5.8.1

  • Fixed an issue where feedback and bug reports would not be submitted if the report form was opened, closed, then reopened before submitting.
  • My DMX Effects are now loaded at the same time as My Fireworks instead of around 60 seconds after the initial load.
  • Improved the performance of inserting My DMX Effects into events.
  • Fixed an issue where if a user used the insert above/below feature to insert an event, then edited or deleted the event that was used to insert above/below, the inserted event would move out of chronological order in the events table. This only affected editing, and the event was sorted correctly on script export.


Build 2023.5.10.1

  • Added the ability to choose how many events get inserted at a time. Learn more here.


Version 1.5.0 Build 2024.2.5.1

  • Added support for editing the hour place in the event time editor.
  • Improved the Waveform Event Drawers Hovered Event UI to include the hour place when needed.
  • Fixed an issue where after duplicating a show, and then editing its show date from show settings, it would update in show settings but not update in the My Shows UI.








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