Clear COBRA Show Creator Cache

Due to how many browsers, especially Google Chrome, cache website data in order to speed up load times and enable offline mode, some updates do not always get downloaded. Follow the steps below to clear the COBRA Show Creator cache.

Option 1

  1. Open COBRA Show Creator
  2. Hold the following keys for 5 - 10 seconds
    For Mac Users: CMD + Shift + R
    For Windows Users: Ctrl + Shift + R
  3. After holding the keys for 5 - 10 seconds release all of them at the same time
  4. COBRA Show Creator should finish loading and have the latest update

If it appears your issue has not been solved, please continue with the steps below. However, it COBRA Show Creator is now updated and working correctly you can close out of this help article.

Option 2

  1. With COBRA Show creator open use the following keyboard shortcut:
    For Mac Users: CMD + Option + J
    For Windows Users: Ctrl + Shift + J


  1. A panel on the right or bottom half of the browser will appear. Once this panel opens complete the following keyboard shortcut. Do not hold the keys like the previous option, quickly press and release.
    For Mac Users: CMD + Shift + R
    For Windows Users: Ctrl + Shift + R

If Option 2 still does not fix the issue. The only option left is to completely clear all of the data the browser has cached for COBRA Show Creator.

NOTE: This will erase all data stored for COBRA Show Creator. You will need to relog into your COBRA ID after completing the following steps. If you have made changes to a show while in Offline Mode, make sure you have opened COBRA Show creator while connected to the internet so those changes can be synced to the cloud.

Option 3

  1. If you have tried Option 2 you can skip to step 2.
    With COBRA Show creator open use the following keyboard shortcut:
    For Mac Users: CMD + Option + J
    For Windows Users: Ctrl + Shift + J


  1. With the right/bottom panel open in COBRA Show Creator, at the top of the right panel, there is a row of “tabs”. It should be listed “Elements, Console, Sources, Network, etc.”


  1. If there is a double arrow at the end of this list, click on the double arrow.
  2. You will want to select the option labeled “Application”.
  3. Now in the left panel that appeared, select the “Clear storage” button.


  1. There should be a “Usage” section, below that there will be a button labeled “Clear site data”. You will need to click this button.


  1. After clicking the “Clear site data” button do the following keyboard shortcut one final time.
    For Mac Users: CMD + Shift + R
    For Windows Users: Ctrl + Shift + R

COBRA Show creator should reload and your problem should be resolved. 

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