
Scripting is used to create a show in advance and provides several firing methods for your exhibition. The COBRA 18R2 Controller supports uploading a script file to the 18R2 via a USB flash drive. COBRA supports three types of scripting methods including STEP scripting, Timed Event scripting, and combined STEP / Timed Event scripting. To learn more about the different script types, see What is Scripting? 



Scripting Limitations for Simultaneous / Re-Firing for Pyro and DMX

The COBRA system is unique in that when arming your systems, the full event list is downloaded specifically to each firing module. This means that when firing your show, the module is on auto-pilot and will fire even if it runs into temporary interference or loss of communications. It's a pretty cool technology that when combined with our MESH communications, allows for really reliable firing.

The following notes show any limitations to specific firmware versions.

  • 7.0 - Up to 7,600 pyro events and 10,000 DMX events across 100 scripts, with no timing restrictions.

  • 6.0 - Same limitations as 3.0 to 5.0 with DMX now be available in the primary script only. In addition, you can re-fire* cues in the primary script only.

  • 3.0 to 5.0 -  Up to 100 Pyro channels and 3,600 cues on the primary (1st) script in the file. All other scripts cannot fire cues on more than 2 channels within any 0.4s time window. For example, you can fire channel 1, cue 1, and channel 2, cue 1 at 5.0s. However, in order to fire another cue on a 3rd channel, you need to wait until 5.4s.

*18M hardware A units (stopped manufacturing in June 2015) do not support re-firing of cues or firing unlimited channels/cues in any script beyond the primary (1st) script in the cobra.csv file.

Create and Upload Script

COBRA supports multiple methods for creating a scripted display. Whether using Excel, COBRA Show Creator, or fully integrated third-party software, a single CSV file is created and uploaded to the 18R2 using a USB thumb drive. The script must be named “cobra.csv” in firmware versions 5.0.2 or lower or it will not be recognized and you will see the error code Er1. Firmware 5.1 or higher supports custom script file names up to 42 characters for 5.1.x and 32 characters for 6.0 or higher. To see more on the COBRA 18R2 error codes see our Error Code Reference Guide.


Upload Script

Regardless of the method used to create the .csv script file, the file is uploaded to the 18R2 using the following steps.


  1. Save the script file from your computer to the USB thumb drive. Name the file “cobra.csv” in version 5.0.2 or lower, firmware 5.1 or higher supports custom script file names up to 42 characters for 5.1.x and 32 characters for 6.0 or higher.
  2. Before powering on the 18R2, unscrew the USB port cap on the right-hand side of the 18R2 and insert the USB drive into the USB port.
  3. Power on the 18R2 unit by inserting the key and turning it to the ON position. 
  4. Allow the remote to complete the startup sequence; the sequence is complete when the remote shows the current channel, “c00”, for example. 
  5. The cue LED indicator lights will blink red lights around the perimeter of the light section while the script is loading.
  6. After the script has loaded, all LED lights go green or red. 
    • Green indicates a successfully loaded script.
    • Red LEDs indicate script loading errors, showing an error code and line number for each issue. The upper display will show "ER," and the lower display will show the error code. After that, the 18R2 will display the line number of the error on the upper display for quick identification. For more details on error codes, refer to our Error Code Reference Guide.

To remove all scripts from the 18R2, press and hold the TEST and SYNC buttons simultaneously for ten (10) seconds. Alternatively, loading a new script will replace the existing script.

Note: When using COBRA Show Creator or an integrated software program to create the script, the error check is built into the program preventing most errors that may occur.

Excel CSV File Format

An Excel CSV file provides the required information to the 18R2 including the trigger and return channels, trigger and confirmation buttons, event times, channel, and cue assignments, along with the option to include notes for personal use. Please see our Example Scripts for more.

STEP Scripting

STEP scripting is used to pre-design a manual show using Excel, COBRA Show Creator, or an integrated third-party software and simplifies execution by allowing the entire show to be fired by pressing a single button for each event. A step script enables an operator to bounce between modules, fire different cues, as well as fire multiple modules and cues simultaneously. This is beneficial as it allows the exhibitor to watch the show and see when specific cakes or effects are finished before executing the next event.


  1. Load script to the 18R2, see the Upload Script section above for more instructions.
  2. To start the script, use CH+ or CH- to navigate to your pre-defined trigger channel, then press the pre-defined trigger button.
  3. You should now see "SP" as the 18R2 awaits your input.
  4. Press the STEP button to fire the first cue in the script. 
    • “SP” will display in the two 7-segment displays at the bottom of the remote indicating the next event is ready to fire. 
  5. Press the STEP button to execute the second scripted event. 
  6. Continue pressing the STEP button until all predefined events are complete.

Timed Event Scripting

Timed event scripting allows you to preplan your entire show and fire it automatically with a single press of a button. There is no limit on the number of cues or the number of channels you can fire at the exact same time; ten, twenty, or even one hundred modules at an event can be fired simultaneously or within a hundredth of a second firing resolution. 


  1. Load script to the 18R2, see Upload Script for more instructions.
  2. To start the loaded script, use CH+ or CH- to navigate to your pre-defined trigger channel. 
  3. Press your pre-defined trigger Button to start the show.
    • The countdown timer is displayed in the bottom 7-segment display window and shows when the next event will fire according to the script. You can use the + and - buttons on the 18R2 to adjust the timing of the script forward or backward in alignment with the audio. By pressing +, the modules will fire sooner and by pressing - the module will fire later.
      Note: When using a SMPTE time code input, the + and - buttons do not affect script timing.
  4. To bypass the delay and immediately execute the next event, press the STEP button. 
    • This is useful if a cake ends sooner than expected and prevents an unexpected pause mid-show.

STEP/Timed Event Scripting

Step / timed event scripting is a combination of manual firing intermixed with sequences executed by pressing the STEP button through each event. This feature is excellent for adding a chase to a manual show, for instance, and adds a level of professionalism to the exhibit.  


  1. Load script to the 18R2, see Upload Script for more instructions.
  2. To start the loaded script, use CH+ or CH- to navigate to your pre-defined trigger channel.
  3. Press your pre-defined trigger Button to start the show.
  4. If your first event is a STEP event press the STEP button to fire the first cue in the script. If the first event or events are timed-based events those will start to fire at the press of your trigger channel. Once the remote gets to the first step event it will await confirmation from the operator that you are ready to fire that event.
    • “SP” will display in the two 7-segment display at the bottom of the remote indicating the next event is ready to fire. 
  5. This back and forth between timed events and step events will continue through the pre-defined script.
    • Timed events will be indicated by the countdown timer located in the bottom 7-segment display window. 
    • “SP” will display for the next manual event. Press the STEP button.
  6. Continue pressing the STEP button until all events are complete.
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