Controller & Firing Module Synchronization

In order for the controller to communicate with a firing module, it must be synced to the firing module. Once synced, the firing module will ONLY respond to the controller to which it is synced. This is because each controller contains a unique, internationally registered IEEE© MAC address that is saved into the firing module when it is synced. The firing module will only respond to the controller with this address. You can change the controller to which a module is synced at any time, as many times as you like.

Sync a firing module to a controller

If running firmware version 3.0.1 or earlier, press and hold the SYNC button on both the controller and module. The SYNC LED will blink, and the 18M will restart. If you see Er3, you successfully synced the module but held the SYNC button too long, causing the stuck button error code to display. Restart the 18M to confirm the firing module is in sync. This will be evident as the 18M SYNC LED will blink in response to the 18R2/18R SYNC LED.

If running firmware version 3.0.3 or higher, press and hold the SYNC Button on both the controller and firing module for three seconds. This will display “P” on both the 18R2/18R and 18M and cause the 18M to restart. Once the 18M restarts, release the SYNC button on both units. If you don’t release the SYNC button soon enough on the 18M, “P” will continue to display. If this happens, restart both the 18R2/18R and 18M. Once powered on, if the SYNC LED on both the 18R2/18R and 18M are blinking, then you successfully synced the systems. Repeat this process for each module.


To batch sync multiple modules, we recommend the following, faster process:

  1. Power on 18R2/18R
  2. Once the 18R2/18R is fully powered on, press and hold SYNC until P is displayed. Release the SYNC button.
  3. Power on each 18M while holding the SYNC button, P will show on the 18M. Release the SYNC button. **Please note this quick program mode feature only works on the 18M firing module. Other modules will need to be turned on and then placed into program mode by holding sync.
  4. Press the SYNC button on both the 18R2/18R and 18M at the same time. After 1 second, the 18M will re-start.
  5. Repeat for all modules. Once complete, re-start the 18R2/18R to confirm the SYNC LED is blinking on all 18M modules to confirm they are in sync.

Unsync firing module

To un-sync a firing module from any controller to which it is synced, hold down the SYNC Button for 15 seconds. The SYNC LED will blink five times when un-synced, and the SYNC LED will no longer display orange. This will also reset the module addresses such that the next module you sync to the controller will inherit a module address of A00.

Unsync controller

To un-sync all firing modules from a controller, hold down the SYNC Button for 15 seconds. The SYNC LED will blink five times when un-synced, and the SYNC LED will no longer display orange.

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