- Is my COBRA control panel license transferable?
- Does the COBRA Control Panel Support Google Chromebooks?
- Do you need an internet connection to use COBRA Control Panel?
- Is the 18R2 required to use the Control Panel?
- What are the general features/benefits of the Control Panel?
- When do you recommend using the Control Panel?
- What is the difference between the Basic version (free) and Pro version of the Control Panel?
- How do I find which Control Panel version I am running?
- Can I unplug and plug my tablet in to my 18R2 while the show is running?
- What type of cable is required to connect the Control Panel to the 18R2?
- Why are one of my modules highlighted in yellow on the Control Panel device list?
- Is there anyway to have a continuous show clock in the COBRA Control Panel?
- Can I start my scripted show/manually fire from Control Panel?
- Control Panel is showing modules not in my script, how can I remove those?
- How do I use local audio on my tablet with Control Panel?
- I am receiving the error: "Activation Error. Please contact COBRA Support at 518-741-4300 or help@cobrafiringsystems.com", what do I do?
- How to Reset Your COBRA Control Panel Activation Code
- Can the Control Panel operate on my phone?
- Is there a tablet stand that COBRA recommends?
- When purchasing the Control Panel license, does it come with a tablet?
- Will the Control Panel operate on iOS/Apple, or is it Android only?
- How do I know if I am running the latest Control Panel version?