Viewing the Audio Box Gen 2 Main Display

On the COBRA Audio Box Gen 2, there is an LCD screen used for communicating system information. Below you will find an outline of what is displayed when the Audio Box is idle, playing, and charging.


A - Audio Box Status
The Audio Box status is an indicator of the current action the Audio Box is taking. These include Idle, Testing, Ready, Playing, or Error.
B - Audio File Name
The name of the audio file that is on the inserted USB drive. If the name is too long to display on the screen, the text will slowly scroll to allow the user to read the full name.
C - Audio File Playtime
The clock will show the time as the audio file plays. When the audio is idle, the clock will not display.
D - Battery Level
P0 is the lowest battery level. P9 is the highest battery level. When the unit is charging while ON, 'CHGN' will blink followed by the battery level to indicate the unit is charging.
E - Module Address
The unique module address.
F - Signal Strength
The Audio Box signal strength. COBRA’s wireless signal range is measured in dBm (decibel-milliwatts). 0 is the best signal, -99 is the worst signal. Recommended 0 to -75 signal strength for reliable operation.


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