When I startup my 18R2, what are the sequence of numbers/information appearing before the channel displays?

18R2 Startup Sequence

Firmware Version


The 18R2 and firing module displays the firmware version of the device first, such as, “5.1.0.” All devices synced together must use the same firmware version. To learn more about firmware versions and how to upgrade your system, at no cost, please see Firmware Figure Out.

Battery Life

The 18R2 displays the battery life range on a 1P scale, indicating a depleted battery with a 1P0 and full battery with a 1P9. CORRA recommends only Energizer AA batteries and has a life of about six hours. The AA batteries power the entire controller including the RF module, LEDs, and 7-segment displays. As the battery level decreases, the amount of transmitting power is not reduced. For example, a controller at P1 has the same transmitting power as a controller with P9.

Note: The 18R2 displays “Lo” if the controller battery level is P3 or lower. If you see “Lo” followed by a 1P value, a channel, and an address, this is informing you a module or other device has a battery level of P3 or lower.


“tSt” displays as the firing module perform the following tests:

LED function – When the key of the 18R2 remote is turned on the red and green LEDs will flash briefly.

Shorted / stuck button – During the self-test, if any button is pressed a false-positive to the shorted / stuck button test will occur and error code Er3 will display. If Er3 displays, power the system off, then back on and do not press any buttons during startup.

Script Countv11_Jk0kjz8nZI2V2Dtt7K1KCt4Ujt9bfg.png

The 18R2 displays the number of scripts that are loaded to the controller.

Current Channelx57yxuFA7KzOY6MmCUnfPA3COt1z36Yd9g.png

The 18R2 current channel.

Module Count


After the 18R2 finishes starting up, the TEST LED will begin to blink if it recognizes any firing modules or other devices such as the Audio Box. Once all devices are identified, the total number of devices displays. For example, if you have three modules and one Audio Box, the number "4” will display. A 36M or 72M is recognized as only one device.


Please see the Startup Sequence Reference Guide for a listing and description of the information displayed. 

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