What happens if my key switch breaks on the 18R2? Can I hot-wire the device?

If you lose the 18R2 key or damage the key switch, you can hot-wire the 18R2 with a few simple steps. 

  1. Remove the four screws from the back of the 18R2.
  2. Remove the back enclosure and find the two wires that connect the main PCB board to the key switch. 
  3. Cut these wires using a knife or wire cutter and strip approximately 1”  off the cut end.
  4. Connect the bare wires, making sure to use a piece of tape to cover any exposed wire. A wire that is exposed might come in contact with the PCB board and cause a system malfunction. 

18R2 hot wire keyswich.jpg

You can insert or remove batteries to power on and off the device.

For a replacement key switch assembly, please visit our COBRA Remote Key Switch product page.

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