Check Continuity

Continuity is the connection between the igniter and the cue on the firing module: a cue is the speaker terminal or port in which the igniters connect to the 6M. Confirming a connection between the igniter and the cue will ensure that your igniter receives the power needed to fire the attached product. The COBRA firing system tests for continuity by sending a small pulse of electricity through the igniter to verify resistance is present. To learn how to check continuity on the 36M or 72M, see What is continuity and how do I test it on my module or 18R2?

To check continuity from the COBRA 6M please press the TEST button from the module once all your igniters are connected. This will force the module to perform a continuity check and display if the connected igniters have continuity or not.

You can also check continuity on the 18R2 directly.; please see 18R2 Check Continuity for more information.

Learn more about continuity and the maximum number of igniters you can place on each cue in our Continuity Clarified document.

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