COBRA 18R2 and 36/72M Firmware 6.0.7 Patch Release

Firmware version 6.0.7 has been replaced by 6.0.8.

We have released a 6.0.7 patch fix for the 18R2, 36M, and 72M. This update is only required if you are currently running the 6.0.x family of firmware versions and only requires the module and 18R2 processor to be updated. This update is a cumulative update and will also include the fixes found in 6.0.6. Those looking to upgrade to the 6.0.x family of firmware can do so using the COBRA Reprogramming software


18R2 Improvements and Fixes

  • Script loading times dramatically improved - We have optimized the script loading process into the 18R2, improving the speed by upwards of 10x. For instance, a script that took 2 seconds to load in version 5.1 was taking over 30 seconds in version 6.0. The script loading speeds are now comparable to version 5.1 for both pyro and DMX events.
  • Control Panel now loads DMX scripts greater than 200 events - In some cases, the COBRA Control Panel would not load scripts with more than 200 DMX events. This issue is now resolved, and DMX events are loaded and displayed properly.
  • Modules no longer missing from Control Panel - In certain instances, the COBRA Control Panel might not display one or more modules. This was a benign issue, as the module was recognized but not displayed to the user. This problem has been rectified, and all modules now display properly.
  • Stuck buttons on startup no longer disable operation and now display which button is stuck and disable the button operation - The 18R2 usually displays Er3 if a button is stuck or pressed during the startup process. The 18R2 has been improved to no longer disable the entire 18R2. Instead, the 18R2 displays which button is stuck and disables the operation of that button only. This allows operators to continue using the 18R2 with only a disabled button.
  • 00:00.0s events firing after a STEP event now always fire - In rare cases, an event at 0s following a STEP event might not fire. This is now resolved, and all 0s events following a STEP event will fire.
  • Whitespace in the channel column no longer imports invalid event - If you had whitespace in the channel column, the 18R2 would import the event as a false/invalid event. This has been rectified, and an error is now displayed to the user upon import to the 18R2.
  • Incorrect event out-of-order error for DMX events now fixed - Normally, the 18R2 displays error 21 for any pyro events that were out of order in the cobra.csv script file. This error was not properly displayed for DMX events and is now fixed.
  • Script import error 54 now corrected to error 16 - When importing an event with an invalid cue format, in some cases the error might display as error 54 (Maximum events on one channel) instead of error 16 (Invalid event cue format).
  • Scripts now support DMX events with descriptions greater than 52 characters - If the DMX event description was longer than 52 characters, an error was displayed. This has been resolved, and event descriptions up to N characters are now supported.
  • Releasing COBRA Deadman or pausing script now stops DMX and Pyro events with pulse times - When releasing the COBRA Deadman or pausing a script, any DMX and PYRO events with currently firing pulse times will now stop firing. Previously, the pulse time would finish and not pause.
  • Last event in script now always fires if driven by SMPTE - In rare instances, the last event in a script might not fire if the show was fired using SMPTE timecode. This happened for both timecode1 and timecode2 arguments. This issue is now resolved.
  • Jumping backward or performing large SMPTE time jumps while a script is running now fires all DMX events - In certain cases, when performing a mid-show jump to an earlier part of a script, the events would not re-fire, only firing the first event the user jumped to. This issue is now resolved.

36/72M Improvements and Fixes

  • 18R support added - The 18R (legacy discontinued model) now supports firing the 36M and 72M. This was previously unsupported.
  • Small groups of cues now always fire on scripted shows - In rare instances, a small group of 4-cues was not fired on the 36M or 72M. This issue, reported by two customers in a number of instances, is now resolved as the condition causing this problem was reproduced and fixed.
  • Clearing scripts from the 18R2 no longer causes the 36M or 72M to display "Downloading DMX" - After clearing scripts by pressing TEST and SYNC for 10 seconds, the script was properly cleared from the 18R2. However, the 36M or 72M would still display "Downloading DMX" even though no events existed in the 18R2. This issue is now resolved.
  • Screen brightness increased - The screen brightness on the 36M and 72M has been increased with negligible impact on battery life.
  • Voltage mode maintained when updating firmware - In certain cases, the voltage mode was reset to 9V and not kept to the current setting (e.g. 14.8V). This issue has been resolved as the voltage mode is now maintained.
  • DMX events in rare cases sometimes did not fire - In rare cases with a specific script and combination of events, some DMX events may not fire. This issue has been resolved.
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