How to Start an Out of Warranty Repair

If your equipment has sustained any damage that is not covered under our Lifetime Warranty, please contact us by phone at 518-741-4300 (Call, text, or WhatsApp), by email at, or on our Live Chat. We also have an RMA Form that can be filled out on our website and we will reach out to confirm, and send you the necessary RMA documents.

With some information about the damage and equipment, we can determine whether or not the repair or parts required can be covered under our Warranty. If not, we can still set up a Repair Authorization and have your equipment brought in. We just ask that you cover the Shipping costs, as well as the costs of any parts or labor required. We also have a large number of parts that can be purchased to be shipped to you for repair at home, using our Online Support Portal for self-help and repair guidance. You can also reach out to us for any assistance required with an at-home repair.

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