Can I copy and paste events from one show to another?

In COBRA Show Creator, it is possible to copy and paste events from one show script to another.

To copy and paste events from one show to another follow the step-by-step instructions outlined in this support document:

1. Open the show from which you wish to copy the events.



2. Click to select the first event so that the entire row is highlighted.



3. While holding the SHIFT button, click the last event you want to copy. This will highlight all events between the first and last selected event.



4. Right click to bring up the menu and select Copy Cues. Alternatively, you can use keyboard shortcuts to copy events. On Mac, this is Command + C and on Windows, this is Control C.



5. Open the show where you would like the events inserted.



6. Right-click on the last event, and select Paste to paste the events that were copied from Show One, into Show Two. Alternatively, you can Control V to paste on windows or Command Z on Mac to paste.


7. You will then see the events from Show One within the event list of Show Two. 
Note: The image below is from after refreshing the CSC window which will re-sort the events according to Channel and Cue.



If you need any assistance please reach out to

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