The purpose of dry running your script with audio (if you are using music), is to make sure the correct script is loaded and firing and that the audio was formatted as per our audio formatting guide and is playing correctly.
To dry run your script, we recommend two modules (or more) and your remote, along with the Audio Box if your script includes audio.
Set your first module to the channel of the first event in your script, and your second module to the channel of the last event in your script. Arm the 18R2 and make sure the module count displays the total number of devices, the Audio Box will count as one device.
Go to your trigger channel and press your defined trigger button. The script will begin, and your audio should be playing. Watch the first and last cue fire in the show, and listen to make sure the audio is playing cleanly, at the proper volume, and with no hiccups or blips throughout the entire show.
If you are performing this on site, it is imperative to make sure there are no other modules powered on during the dry run. When executing your live show, we always recommend brand new AA batteries in your Audio Box.
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