How do I know my script is loaded?

There are a couple of methods available to confirm that you have successfully loaded your script. 

When you power on the 18R2 Controller, the second to last piece of information to display in the Startup-Sequence is the number of scripts loaded onto the 18R2. If you have successfully loaded a script to the 18R2, each cue in the script will be displayed as a red LED on the 18R2 for every channel in your script.

Another option for confirming a script is using the COBRA Control Panel. The COBRA Control Panel is a downloadable Android app that provides a comprehensive, digital user interface to the 18R2. From this user interface, you can use the Show Controls feature to confirm the correct script is loaded.

And finally, you can test your script and associated audio files (if you are using audio) by performing a dry run of the script. Please see How do I dry run my script? for more information on this option.

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