Your COBRA firing system has been designed to offer protection from the elements. In some cases, the system is exposed to more severe weather causing potential damage. There are a few steps that can be taken to prevent damage to your COBRA firing system in the event it is exposed to water or excessive moisture.
- If the module is installed in an armour case, silicone boot or any other type of protection method, remove the module from it.
- Pour out any visible standing water that's accumulated from inside the protective option.
- Thoroughly wipe away any visible water inside and put it aside to allow it to air dry
- Open the module enclosure and remove any visible signs of water ensuring to thoroughly dry the inside.
- Before re-assembling, let it completely air dry.
- Inspect the mainboard after one or two weeks for any signs of corrosion.
If there are visible signs of corrosion after a period of time, contact the COBRA support team at
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