While not required to maintain your limited-lifetime warranty 18R2, here are a few recommended maintenance tips for your COBRA controller.
- Remove batteries, and inspect contacts to ensure no corrosion or visual damage.
- Confirm battery contacts are bowed out at a similar distance and that the batteries snap in tightly.
- Check all buttons to confirm none are sticking and that they bounce back after they are released.
- Check all LEDs and 7-segment displays. Note that if an LED or 7-segment display bar is not functioning, the unit will still operate normally.
- Check the antenna connector and confirm there is no corrosion or damage. Ensure the antenna screws on smoothly, and the antenna connector does not rotate freely.
- For the 18R2, confirm the USB connector and other connectors such as SMTPE or Deadman are not damaged, corroded, or have any physical issues.
- Confirm the battery door snaps on and off correctly.
- Store in a dry, room temperature environment.
- Confirm signal strength, at ~30m, raised up ~1m, you should see between -35 and -45dB on average.
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