What are the different type of scripts that are supported?

Scripting is the process of creating/designing your show in advance. When designing your show, you will typically create a single script possibly with a soundtrack, if you are designing a show with music. COBRA supports three different types of scripts, listed below.

Timed Event Scripts

Timed event scripting allows you to pre-plan your entire show and fire it automatically with a single press of a button. There is no limit on the number of cues or the number of channels you can fire simultaneously within a hundredth of a second resolution. Just press one button, sit back, and watch your show.

STEP Scripts

STEP scripting allows you to pre-design a manual show using excel, COBRA Show Creator, or an integrated third-party software and simplifies execution by allowing a single button press for each event. A step script enables an operator to bounce between modules, fire different cues, as well as fire multiple modules and cues simultaneously. This is beneficial as it allows the exhibitor to watch the show and see when specific cakes or effects finish before executing the next event. You simply press the STEP button each time you want to fire the next event you planned in advance when designing your show.

STEP/Timed Event Scripts

Step/timed event scripting combines manual firing intermixed with sequences executed by pressing the STEP button through each event. This feature is excellent for adding chases/timed sequences to a STEP script, for instance, and adds a level of professionalism to the show. This method can also be used to add pauses between sections of timed event scripts. For example, the operator wants the script to pause between songs to allow for smoke to clear or for a specific effect to finish.

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