COBRA Firmware Version 7.1.1 Patch Release

The COBRA 7.1.1 release includes the following fixes. Note that this release requires an update to the .s19 file on the 18R2 and Audio Box.

  • 18R2 - High intensity firing cadences combined with SMPTE may cause for a module to skip a cue in rare cases
  • 18R2 - No longer changes channel while a script is running allowing for manual firing during a show (no longer in current release, coming in next patch release)
  • 18R2 - Bug fix for pressing multiple cue firing buttons at the same time on the 18R2
  • Audio Box - Optimized and fix some issues for audio alignment during SMPTE run scripts

To update your 18R2, please use the following steps:

  1. Download the cobra.s19 file attached to this article.
  2. Place the cobra.s19 file into the root direction of a USB drive.
  3. Insert USB drive into the 18R2 while off.
  4. Hold SYNC and power on 18R2. The LEDS will circle as the firmware is updated.
  5. Once done, the unit will re-start and 7.1.1 will appear. Remove the USB drive.
  6. You can re-start the 18r2 to re-confirm 7.1.1 appears.
  7. You are done and the patch has been successfully applied.

To update your Audio Box, please use the following steps:

  1. Download the audiobox.s19 files attached to this article.
  2. Place the audiobox.s19 file into the root direction of a USB drive.
  3. Insert the USB Drive into the Audio Box while the unit is OFF.
  4. Hold SYNC and power on the unit.
  5. The SYNC LED on Audio Box will flicker for a few seconds.
  6. After the SYNC LED flickering stop, power the unit off and back on again.
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