How does COBRA react if the SMPTE time code stops or is lost while the show is running?

There are two options for determining how your COBRA system should handle these situations; you can select the option you prefer by entering the value "timecode1" or "timecode2" (without the quotes) into column J in your script file header row. See SMPTE Sensitivity Options for more information.

Timecode1 - The script will continue to play if SMPTE timecode is lost or paused. This is recommended when receiving audio from an untrusted or 3rd party sound system source where you are concerned about possible signal deterioration causing your show to stop firing.

Timecode2 - The script will pause/resume if SMPTE timecode is lost or paused. If the timecode stops, fast forwards, or is rewound, the 18R2 will keep in sync with the timing. This is recommended when receiving audio from a trusted sound system source (such as COBRA Show Creator) where you may want to pause or resume the show from the sound system.

Please see our Script Format for more information on formatting your script file. 

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