When configuring your 18R2 script to use SMPTE, you have two options: Timecode1 and Timecode2.
Timecode1 - The 18R2 will continue to fire even if the timecode is lost or the quality is too poor. This is recommended when receiving audio from an untrusted or 3rd party sound system source where you are concerned about possible signal deterioration causing your show to stop firing.
Timecode2 - The 18R2 will stop firing if the timecode is lost or the quality is too poor. If the timecode stops, fast forwards, or is rewound, the 18R2 will keep in sync with the timing. This is recommended when receiving audio from a trusted sound system source (such as COBRA Show Creator) where you may want to pause or resume the show from the sound system.
The "timecode1" or "timecode2" SMPTE option is placed into column J within the script header row of the COBRA 18R2 script file.
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