Inspect and Remove Shunt from Unknown Chinese Quickplug E-Match

This notice pertains only to Unknown Chinese Quickplug E-Match, not anything sold by COBRA.

If you purchased Quickplug MJG initiators directly from COBRA, this issue does not affect you.


Issue with Shunt on Unknown Chinese Quickplug E-match

We recently became aware of a new shunt being used by some unknown Chinese companies in their Quickplug igniters. This shunt is a small, metal bended wire that is difficult to see. Users can inadvertently plug the Quickplug into the module without realizing the shunt is there. While the Quickplug will plug in normally and show good continuity, it will fail to fire during the show and may also cause other cues to not fire. The shunt may also remain inside the Quickplug receptacle.

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Remove Shunt and Be Careful of Unknown Sources

It is critical that users remove the shunt before placing the Quickplug into the module. Please ensure to carefully inspect and remove the shunt from each ematch. Also know that purchasing ematch from unknown sources does have some safety risk as the minimum all fire current may have a high variability and susceptible to accidental mis-fire. It's critical you understand and trust your source and their manufacturing procedures.

We wanted to notify our customers immediately of this issue as it's now been reported by two customers and has directly affected show performance. If you have any questions, please contact us at

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